Can you sell a house with code violations in NYC?

You can list and sell a house with code violations, however bear in mind that:

• Violations are public information and will appear in a property title search.
• You are required by law to disclose all code violations to the prospective buyer
• Some open violations can prevent a sale or refinancing and incur fines.
• You or the buyer will still need to fix all the violations before closing the sale.
• Listing a house with violations will reduce its market value

If you can, it is best to fix or clear all of the violations, or at least as many of them as you can, prior to listing your property for sale. This will up your home’s value and maximize your returns.

Expedite Direct NYC team has over 25 years of experience bringing NYC properties to code. Homeowners or landlords looking to list their property or close a sale in New York City can rely on us from start to finish, to get things done on time and with care.

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